Contest Results
11th Annual National Jewish Playwriting Contest Current Results
**as of 6/24/22**
Continuum Theater
Chicago, IL
January 23, 2022
City Producer: Devorah Richards
Madeleines - 1 pt
To Reach Across a River - 1 pt
Tree of Life - 1 pt
Evelyn Rubenstein JCC*
Houston, TX
March, 2022
City Producers: Lonny Price and Matt Bassen
Madeleines - 1 pt
Say Goodbye - 1 pt
Strawberries at the Datcha - 1 pt
Levine JCC of Charlotte
Charlotte, NC
April 30, 2022
City Producers: Susan Cherin
Lily Ineffable - 1 pt
Madeleines - 1 pt
To Reach Across a River - 3 pt
JCC of Northern Virginia
Fairfax, VA
May 15, 2022
City Producer: Laurie Albert
Madeleines - 2 pt
To Reach Across a River - 2 pt
Tree of Life - 1 pt
Beth Am Synagogue
Los Altos, CA
May 22, 2022
City Producers: Deb Radin,
Neil Tuch, Susan Sims
Madeleines - 1 pt
To Reach Across a River - 3 pt
Tree of Life - 1 pt
New York, NY
May 11, 2022
Madeleines - 1 pt
To Reach Across a River - 1 pt
Tree of Life - 1 pt
Podcast Contest
April 15- June 15, 2022
Produced by Will Steinberger
I Was a Stranger Too - 1 pt
Strawberries at the Datcha - 1 pt
Tree of Life - 1 pt
Charter Oak Center
Hartford, CT
June 15, 2022
City Producers: Rabbi Donna Berman & Jacques Lamarre
Lily Ineffable - 1.6 pt
Madeleines - 1.6 pt
To Reach Across a River - 1.6 pt
Center Stage Israel
Ra’anana, ISR
June 9, 2022
City Producers, Danielle Faitelson & Daniella Crankshaw
Madeleines - 1 pt
Say Goodbye - 1 pt
Tree of Life - 1 pt
American Israel Friendship League
June 9, 2022
City Producer, Wayne Firestone
Madeleines - 1 pt
Tree of Life - 1 pt
The Top 3 Plays came together for a final showdown on June 23, 2022 at 8 pm, and the winner is….
MADELEINES by Bess Welden
Spiced with poetry, Yiddish, and Spanish, Madeleines is about a family of Jewish women grappling with how to love each other through shared grief and the solace of baking.
Here's how all this works:
- Every play gets 1 point for being in the Top 10
- If a play is chosen for the Top 3 by any City Theatre Chavurah, it gets 1 point.
- If a play wins a Live Contest Event, it gets 2 more points, for a total of 3.
* (Houston, Chicago and NYC did not have Live Contest events this year, hence no 3 point winner)
The winner of the National Online Contest gets 3 points, and the next two highest vote getters get one point.
The play with the most points at the end wins the Contest. Simple, right?
Is this Contest fair? As much as we can make it. But competition is really not the goal here. Each of these plays (and many others that we read and considered) is a fantastic vision from the inside of a playwright's head about the way we live Jewish life today. To declare one a "WINNER" or to say its "BETTER" is in no way conclusive or "right", and it's not the point.
The JPP's Contest format is built to shine a light on a new kind of Jewish narrative, created by emerging writers all over the world. We want hundreds of individuals to interact with these plays through the JPP, then thousands on the stages where they are produced, and then millions as they enter the cannon of literary drama.
We sincerely hope you'll join us in making Jewish theater for the 21st Century. Here's how: