Belfast Kind
belfast kind
by margot connolly
A 13-year old girl struggles with her identity as a Northern Irish Jew as she prepares for her bat mitzvah during The Troubles.
“I’ve literally never thought about Jewish teenagers in Ireland in the 80s. I’m glad Margot made me.”
Margot Connolly is a playwright originally from Pleasantville, NY. Currently based in Brooklyn, her plays include Belfast Kind, 1 John 4:20, Quiz Out, the Twins, and Keys. Her work has been produced and developed through the Playwrights Center, the Berkshire Fringe Festival, Ugly Rhino, Midtown International Theater Festival, Village Playwrights, the Bad Theater Festival, and the 2015 Frigid Fringe Festival. She was a 2010 - 2011 Core Apprentice at the Playwrights Center and has interned for New Dramatists, New Georges, and the Debate Society. She received her BA from Bennington College, where she studied drama and playwriting, and will begin pursuing her MFA in Playwriting at the University of Iowa in the fall.