Lawrence Goodman
by Lawrence GOoDMAN
When Hannah returns from college, she has news for her parents -- she's turned anti-Zionist. By turns funny and tragic, Heresy explores what American Jews owe Israel.
“This play takes the third rail of American Jewish politics and grabs it - HARD.”
Lawrence Goodman is a playwright living in Providence, RI. He was a playwriting fellow at the Huntington Theater in Boston from 2011 to 2013 and received the 2014 Rhode Island Fellowship Award in Play and Screenwriting. His play Heresy was produced at the Wilbury Group Theatre in Providence in April 2018. Other plays have been performed at The Brick Playhouse in Philadelphia, the HERE Arts Center in New York, and the New York International Fringe Festival. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College in Vermont and a B.A. in English from Harvard College.