2021 Jewish Playwriting Contest Recognized
The Jewish Plays Project is a home for bold, progressive Jewish voices as well as an innovator in online play readings, digital art and the meeting of Jewish cultural audiences and Jewish artists. We are home to the Jewish Playwriting Contest, currently an online digital home for award-winning playwrights and other theater artists.
The 10th Annual Jewish Playwriting Contest
Recognized Submissions
These plays represent a giant array of Jewish perspectives and identities. An Artists Panel of over 70 readers read 255 plays with a truly extraordinary depth and passion; the top 40 plays received at least seven reads each. This year’s field was so strong, we wanted to recognize the many extraordinary plays and writers that excited, engaged, amused, and moved us. The plays on this list have earned their achievement.
Aristaeus by Elizabeth Savage
Go Down, Moses by Dana Leslie Goldstein
Leo At Yeshiva by Emma Horwitz
Oklahoma Samovar by Alice Eve Cohen
Part by Mariel Berlin-Fischler
Sh@med by Joanna Castle Miller
The Wrong Question by EllaRose Chary
there will come a time for vengeance by Eric Marlin
What We Found by Molly Krost
Who By Fire by Talisa Friedman
A Pound of Flesh by Charlotte Cohn & Jason Odell Williams
The Dybbuk on Orchard by Marilyn Schotland
The Finkelsteins Are Coming to Dinner by Richard Kaplan
Jew Vibing by Catherine Weingarten
Kafka's Joke by Rich Rubin
Lily Ineffable by Audrey Lang
Madeleines by Bess Welden
My People by Elliot Brett
Speak Freely by Andrea Fiest Stein
Strawberries at the Datcha by Gena Treyvus
To Rot in His Bones by Claire Abramovitz
A Shonda by Wendy Graf
Effect If Not Intent by David Rosenberg
The Guitarist, the Mamzer, and the Bar Mitzvah by Irwin Hahn
Happy Birthday Jacob, You C***. Love, Esau. by Charles Gershman
The Jewish Problem by Paul Levine
Jews on the Moon by Zachary Smolar
Max and Willy's Last Laugh by Jake Broder & Conor Duffy
No Punk on The Sabbath by Steve Feffer
Orshina by Hanit Guli
Preservation by Deborah Yarchun
Public Servants by Peter Ullian
Tell Me I'm Good by Allison Snyder
What is Memory? by Nico Miller
White Nights by Jason Karasev
Why Is This Night Different? by Aja Nisenson
Honorable Mentions
All Vows by Charles Simon
Edgardo by Carey Perloff
The Goldberg Bar Mitzvah by Daniel Hurewitz
No Exodus by Alethea Shirilan-Howlett
The Firebird by Amanda Martin
Of the Better Kind by Joy Cohen
Raizel's Return by Gayle Ann Weinstein
Real Crazy by Moby Pomerance
Shame by Sonia Levitin
Too White to Be Black/Black to Be White by Ben Nightingale
The Trial of William Shakespeare by Alex Poch Goldin